I'm not naive, anyone is capable of cheating. Honestly, I don't really care that John cheated on his wife with a 'campaign' woman. Of course, the normal tags that are placed on cheaters apply here, like;
Pig, Loser, Pig, Jerk, Pig, Scum, Pig.....You get the picture.
Nope, I don't care that he cheated. What does get me is the medical condition of his wife due to cancer. I've always thought that she looked older than he did (boy, those $700 haircuts are worth the money huh?), which still can be true because I don't enough to actually find out.... but I feel sorry for her due to her condition with all of the stress that comes from attempting to gain Presidency, now she has a whole heap of crap thrown on her due to her man's lack of controlling his zipper.
I find it funny that the same man who has run for Presidency the last 2 terms, is now running from media and locking himself in a public rest-room. What would he have done if he were in Pres. Bush's shoes these last few years? Knowing that reports are stating that Americans' view of his policies are no longer accepted and that his approval rating is lowest of the low?? Would Edwards have ran and locked a bathroom door on the press?? *chuckle, chuckle*
I've never understood how N.C. could have Edwards representing their state in the first place. N.C. is full of hometown mentality and morals.....what's this ambulance chaser doing running the show over there?
Luckily, for N.C., Edwards political office is over.....
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