Sunday, August 24, 2008

Obama & Biden......what a couple.

The secret is out. Obama picks Biden. I was a little surprised to hear that Obama didn't give in and pick Hillary. Although I don't like Hillary, I do think that she would have been the best choice, given that her voters would have more than likely given their support to Barack. But, no one ever said that Obama was a SMART man. Obama has been called other niceities, but never 'smart'.

So, the countdown has finally arrived. Come on November! I'm sick to death of this campaigning nightmare! Enough already!

I laughed out loud when both men became blubbering idiots on the Chicago stage. 'American President-Biden' & 'Barack America', sure are silly comments for 2 men not afraid of the stage, so to speak.

McCain is supposed to keep track of blunders from these two. Ah, that might be enough reason to check out his website every once and awhile. I'm no fan of McCain either so......who knows!

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