Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Road to Change...

While watching T.V. last night, they aired a glimpse of Obama's official Presidential photo. I took a look at it & became puzzled. What is the flag behind the American Flag? I took a closer look:

But still have no clue of what flag it is....It has the appearance of being "Official", which made me think of the numerous changes that have been made down this Road to Change. Here are a few examples:

Removing the American Flag from the chartered plane resulted in this fine work of art:

When clearly, the original plane looked far more Presidential:

The Official Presidential Seal just wasn't good enough for the Presidential Hopeful:

So Obama made his own:

And was the first to tke the Presidential Transition Act of 1963 to new 'visual' heights with this:

Since this couple is into 'Visual' changes, I am left to wonder not only about the added Flag to the Presidential Photograph but also these:

Everyone wondered why on earth did Michelle Obama wear such an odd dress? Some offered her the advice of wardrobe help....What does the choice of dress mean visually?? Here's my theory:

And another view:

Which leads me to my next Obama visual. What in the world is Michelle Obama's problem with her wardrobe? What does this 'string' mean? It could NOT be some malfunction with a necklace....If you have any idea, please tell us!

With all of the 'visual' changes that we have grown accustomed too, I can't wait to see what 'Changes' he makes to America physically....Obamination here we come!!

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